A downloadable game

Forum guide: https://forum.crayta.com/t/paranormal-activity-package/3383

Showcase: https://launch.crayta.com/play/6rvbfhdv

The package includes:

- 16 decoration templates using the package mechanics.


- Poltergeist Script.

This script is made to work easily together with other entity movement scripts, like Mighty Animations. It helps you manage the animations and gives control of what to do with the entity once the event has finished.

  • Add a multitude of effects, sounds, pitches and delays for a very precise customization in an easy way.
  • Allows the animated object to interact with the environment: the entity can trigger lights, sounds or make other entities appear or disappear.

The package was built to ease the creation of horror games. Despite the name of the script, it can be used for many other types of settings like scifi, magic or any other theme that you may think of.

- Paranormal Doors Script.

It helps customize door animation speed and it also gives the chance to add many sounds to the animation, with custom delays, durations, pitches, volumes and fades.

Call other events when opening or closing doors. This will help create amazing poltergeist events when combining with entity movements and lights.

- Paranormal Lights Script.

This script was initially intended to be used on lights, but it can also manage the visibility of all kinds of entities.

  • Fully configure the cadence at which the light turns on and off. Add as many steps as you wish.
  • You can add sounds at beginning, end and also in each step. Customize pitches, volumes, fades, delays and durations for each sound.
  • Lights can call other events so you can combine them with the other scripts.

- Subliminal Images Script.

Create subliminal images that appear in front of the player. It comes with preconfigured images of Jack in the Box, Clown Mask and Skull. You can set the duration of the image or create your own subliminal glimpses.

This mechanic requires 1st person camera mode!

Big thanks to Mighty for his awesome package Mighty Animations, which inspired this work.

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